yŒg‘ÑHPƒp[ƒc‚ÍChip!!z y˜g‚È‚µ•\Ž¦z

y–ˆ”NP—á‚Ìpart 3z
5. holymotherfuckinggod i like, never ever ever ever ever EVER TIMES INFINITY want to see your pitiful face again. it makes me sick just to hear your name when someone else talks about you. why do THEY even give a shit about you?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU HAVE FRIENDS WHEN YOU DON'T FUCKING DESERVE THEM. thank you so much for all of the nice things you did to me.... NOT. good luck and have fun continuing to immerse yourself in piles and gigabites of shitty anime, and learn what PROM is, although i highly doubt you will ever go to one again. douchebag.

6. youuuuuuu areeeeeeeee myyyyyyy lifesaver... and i do realize that i was so bitchy around you most of the time and i hate myself for that but do forgive me because i am indeed a teenage girl striving to live and to find a college to go to and somehow still fit some time to socialize and maybe find a boy (which is probably just the cause of all the bitchiness). but i must say, you are bitchy yourself and i am notttt gonna lie about that. you tend to be self-centered and it's tiring because the world does not revolve around you, girl. but it's okay, i understand that i'm one of the very few people that really knows you inside and out. i will continue to be your biggle and i hope you will be mine. and um about next summer, i'm gonna try my hardest to make it the best summer for you!!!!!! just waaaaait.. be patient for now! :P



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